Momma Mimosa

Momma Mimosa and her two babies were taken from a property with two other dogs, all a part of an ongoing cruelty case. All the dogs were skin and bones, riddled with worms and heartworm positive. Mimosa can be shy, she is still learning how safe she truly is now, but Mims is also super eager to explore and learn. Mimosa LOVES people, and wiggles her whole body every which way for pets.

We can only guess at the details of Mimosa’s past. We know she lived with many other dogs while raising her babies, and she eats like she has no idea when her next meal is coming. She is standoffish with other dogs and seems uncomfortable when they are near her, I can imagine having to scrounge for your meals and raise your babies in the conditions she did could cause that hesitation. Mimosa came in with two other adult dogs she gets along perfectly with, so we believe Mims needs time and slow intros to learn that a “new” dog is safe and not going to hurt her. Mimosa is settling into her foster home wonderfully, getting the time she needs to decompress and learn what life is going to be like from here on out! She is even learning she is safe around her furry dog sister! Mimosa is even taking a six week basic training program to help build her confidence! We are so excited.

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French Toast